Language and Specialised Training of Foreigners

A preparatory unit for foreign students is set apart and functioning in the Branch. In the course of two semesters foreign students are taught English, Bulgarian, Mathematics, Physics and Informatics in it.

Complying to Decree of the Council of Ministers No 226/30.08.2004, the foreigners submit the following documents:

  1. Application or a request, containing a brief CV and the higher education establishments and specilities, which the students opt for.
  2. A copy of the document for completed secondary education and of the annex with the grades – for the candidates for a full-time study.
  3. A document issued by a competent authority, verifying the right of the applicant to continue his/her education in the higher education institutions in the country, where the secondary education is acquired.
  4. Transcipt of records – for the students applying for a partial term of training.
  5. A copy of the document for graduation at a higher education institution and a degree awarded corresponding to a “Bachelor” or “Master” – for the candidates to a Master’s degree.
  6. A document for proficiency in Bulgarian issued by a higher education establishment in the Republic of Bulgaria – for the applicants who will not undergo a language and a specialised preparation.
  7. A copy of the document for nationality – for the applicants with a double citizenship, one of which being Bulgarian.
  8. Two photographs

The documents under article 2, 3, 4 and 5 must be legalized, translated and certified conforming to the regulations on the international contracts of the Republic of Bulgaria with the country, in which they are issued and upon absence of such ones – adhering to the general order on the legalization, translations and certifications of documents and other documentation.